Boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10

Windows 10 allows you to boot into Safe Mode using the Advanced Startup option. This is one of the most convenient ways to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10.

Click on Start and go to All Settings.
Under All Settings, click on Update and Security.

Next, click the Recovery tab. Under the Advanced Startup section, click on Restart Now.

Your PC will now restart, so let it restart. After the restart, you will see three options listed:
Turn Off your PC

This is known as Recovery Mode. Click on Troubleshoot to proceed.

Under Troubleshoot, there are two options:
Reset this PC
Advanced Options

Click on Advanced Options to proceed.

Under Advanced Options, there are a couple of settings including Command Prompt, Recovery, Startup Repair, etc.

Click on Startup Settings to proceed. Click on Restart and it will restart your PC showing Startup Settings.

When the PC restarts, you will see a blue screen with few options. Press F4 / 4 to Start your PC in Safe Mode.

There are other options including Start PC in Safe Mode with Command Prompt and Start PC in Safe Mode with Networking. Select the appropriate option and press the key.
