Chrome Remote Desktop -Curtain Mode Blank Screen (Done the Easy Way)

How to enable Curtain Mode (Blank Screen) on remote computer

To enable Chrome Remote Desktop to prevent someone physically present at a host machine from seeing what a user is doing while a remote connection is in progress.

What this does is block anyone physically presents at the host (other machine) from seeing your actions on the device when you’re remotely connected. 

What you can do is copy the txt below


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Ok now create a new .txt file on your Desktop and paste the txt into it and save it as

Now all you need to do is double click on the file and run it, You will see a confirmation that its been copied to the registry!

This is what the .TXT file should look like, Make sure to save it on your Desktop and rename it ChromeCurtainMode.reg
Make sure you Enable RDP connections to the machine by selecting Control Panel\System and Security\System > Remote settings > "Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)".

Oh and reboot!!