1GIG Favicon bug reportedly can crash your Chrome & Firefox browsers. Strange but true, the small little icon termed as Favicon is really a backup of the whole WP site, downloaded by every browser passing by” This creepy bug makes Chrome and Firefox download the huge favicon files to the point till they crash the browser.
Weirdest is that thing that users are not at all aware of this download as it is all done in the background. Favicon is a symbol image or an icon of a website which is displayed in the top left corner of the web browser.
A Favicon is specifically 16X16 in size, but it seems that the bug has come from a favicon file which is wrongly sized. The browser downloads a huge 1GB file without any visual indication and the browser becomes unresponsive and crashes eventually.
Test your browser by visiting http://localhost:3000 (or if you have process.env.PORT set then that port)